Thursday, 3 May 2012


How are you sleeping? Do you wake up in the morning refreshed and regenerated, rejuvenated? If not you are beginning the day in a minus situation already as regards your energy supply.  You KNOW this you say BUT What can I do about it?
How it works..
Simple measures reap big rewards.
Is your room dark? If not your body still thinks it needs to stay alert - SWITCH ALL LIGHTS OFF
Lie as flat as possible (no pillow) is ideal. Sitting up - which is what your body interprets as doing when propped up with large pillows - fools the body into thinking it is still awake and should be alert - all the usual hormones will be run to maintain this awareness/awakened state.
Have you had sufficient hydration/nutrition during the day? Too much will also act as a distraction to turning off your AWAKE mode.
Worry/anxiety/stress - please see previous posts. If you are running these programmes when you lie down how can you body be receiving the fight or flight messages and also the sleep message??
Mind chatter - when you lie down to sleep do you begin to run  endless what if.....scenarios...what haven't I done, what shall I do...what should I have done? What could I have done? What shouldn't I have done, what should I have done????
No wonder you can't sleep!!
 What to do..

Getting your BARS run WILL help alleviate MIND CHATTER and enable you to access deep sleep needed to regenerate and face the next morning with optimism and energy...How does it get better than that? Too good to be true? Only you can find out?
Come along for a BARS session and be amazed at changes in you...

There are 32 points on your head that store your thoughts, feelings, emotions and beliefs on all subjects. Lighting touching these points dissipates the energy of redundant thoughts, beliefs, judgements and points of view – rather like cleaning up the hard drive of your computer! As you reclaim the energy that was locked in these ‘old files’, you’ll feel progressively calm and  energised. Many people say they feel more space in their head – as if it’s been decluttered! How does it get any better than that?
If you have any questions please contact me and I will be happy to assist. Private BARS sessions last 1 hour and cost £75, include verbal processing to take your session to 2 hours for £95. Sessions can be in person or over SKYPE!

Wednesday, 2 May 2012


How it works..
The last two posts talked about Cortisol and Insulin both heightened when under stress. What else do these two chemicals do?

Abnormal insulin levels builds fat: It increases the number of fat cells you have.
 Cortisol stores fat.

So if you are living under chronic stress situations you are more than likely going to be FAT.

When you eat under stress your body is more likely to store the calories as fat. Did you know that being unhappy makes you fat? Interesting eh??
So stress not only leads to ill health directly but indirectly through being overweight as well.

No wonder we get sick....tomorrow I will talk about sleep, the importance of it, the effects of insomnia and what to do about it.

Getting your BARS run WILL help alleviate STRESS...There are 32 points on your head that store your thoughts, feelings, emotions and beliefs on all subjects. Lighting touching these points dissipates the energy of redundant thoughts, beliefs, judgements and points of view – rather like cleaning up the hard drive of your computer! As you reclaim the energy that was locked in these ‘old files’, you’ll feel progressively calm and  energised. Many people say they feel more space in their head – as if it’s been decluttered! How does it get any better than that? 
If you have any questions please contact me and I will be happy to assist. Private BARS sessions last 1 hour and cost £75, include verbal processing to take your session to 2 hours for £95. Sessions can be in person or over SKYPE!

Tuesday, 1 May 2012


How it works..
Your body has two defence mechanisms. One external, one internal. It cannot run both at the same time.

Your body redirects all resources to your limbs to enable you to fight or flee. Blood is redirected from your stomach which is a reason why you get an upset stomach. Blood is also redirected from the front of your brain - your logical thinking and more is sent to the back of the brain - the automatic functioning reptile brain. In other words when stressed you cannot 'think' your way out of a situation you are more likely to REACT which then brings another set of problems!

Your Immune System is the internal protection. It is responsible for keeping 'bad' bacteria, viruses and cancer cells under control.

As previously stated - YOUR BODY CANNOT run both these systems at the same time. Your body views that the physical outward situation is more threatening than the internal threat - in times past the external situation would be dealt with quickly and then all resources could be directed internally. HOWEVER, the way we have been conditioned to live now keeps our bodies on fight or flight mode mostly all the time. All the worrying that you are doing is another word for STRESS.  Your body is running on empty internally.

No wonder we get sick....

Getting your BARS run WILL help alleviate STRESS...There are 32 points on your head that store your thoughts, feelings, emotions and beliefs on all subjects. Lighting touching these points dissipates the energy of redundant thoughts, beliefs, judgements and points of view – rather like cleaning up the hard drive of your computer! As you reclaim the energy that was locked in these ‘old files’, you’ll feel progressively calm and  energised. Many people say they feel more space in their head – as if it’s been decluttered! How does it get any better than that? 
If you have any questions please contact me and I will be happy to assist. Private BARS sessions last 1 hour and cost £75, include verbal processing to take your session to 2 hours for £95. Sessions can be in person or over SKYPE!